方舟 发表于 2023-1-31 17:13:00


摄影史研究者拉菲·普林斯(Ralph Prins)曾经这样描述:“摄影书是一种独立的形态,就好比一个雕塑作品,一出话剧,一部电影。在这里,照片失去了它们摄影的特征,成为整体的一部分……”越来越多的摄影师重视摄影书,因为它们不仅仅是一场呈现于纸上的展览,更是被视为值得珍视的作品。作为其中最具实验性与创造性的摄影手工书,为摄影创作提供了新的可能,拓宽了创作的边界。一本有趣的摄影手工书,既体现了策展的理念,又在形式语言、观念表达、材料运用、手作呈现等方面体现了极大的想象力与创造力。杭州·国际摄影手工书双年展的目的是发现、扶持、培养以摄影手工书为手段创作作品的群体和个人,探讨摄影手工书对影像本体的边界拓展作用,以及跨媒介结合碰撞出的各种回响。我们鼓励使用摄影手工书展开新的言说,传达积极、健康的社会价值观和新时期摄影师的开放性创作。组织机构指导单位:浙江省摄影家协会主办单位:杭州市摄影家协会承办单位:杭州市摄影家协会新摄影组织专业委员会大屋顶文化协办单位:杭州捷派印务有限公司执行承办:乐图文化1908阅览室Petra空间陈见非工作室征稿时间即日起至2023年4月25日止,以作品寄出日期为准。荣誉奖项首届双年展拟评出入展作品60件,入展作品均颁发荣誉证书。并在入展作品中评选出8件支持作品:1件,奖金10000元2件,各获得奖金5000元5件,各获得奖金1000元征稿细则1、投稿作品应以摄影为主要内容,作品的题材和风格不限。2、对投稿作品的创作时间和作者国籍、年龄、地域均不做要求,不限投稿数量,鼓励新人新作。3、对于足以妨害公序良俗的作品及行为,一经发现将立即取消入选资格。“妨害公序良俗的作品及行为”包括但不限于可能严重误导公众认知、具有欺诈性质等一切违反法律、道德、公共秩序或善良风俗的情形。4、不符合本征稿启事规定的,不予评选,已入展的,将予取消资格;组委会有权收回作品稿酬、荣誉证书等,并可在媒体上通报。5、投稿作品在寄送过程中损毁、灭失或迟到、未到的,相关损失及后果由投稿者自行承担。6、投稿者应保证其为所投送作品的作者,并对该作品的整体及组成部分均拥有独立、完整、明确、无争议的著作权;投稿者还应保证其所投送的作品不侵犯第三人的包括著作权、肖像权、名誉权、隐私权等在内的合法权益,如出现侵权纷争,后果自负。7、本届活动不收参赛费。对于所有入展作品,组委会有权以宣传、展览、信息网络传播、摄制、汇编等方式用于与本次展览相关用途,不另行支付报酬,无需向作者另行取得授权。8、对于未入展的作品组委会将在评选结果公布后一个月内退还作者,入展的作品在展览结束后一个月内退还作者,邮费由作者自理。9、展览实行评选结果公示制度,评选出的拟入展作品将进行公示,并在此期间接受社会监督。公示期满后,组委会公布正式入展名单。10、本届活动征稿解释权属于组委会。凡投稿者,即视为其已同意本启事之所有规定。作品评选展览坚持公平、公正、公开原则,组委会将邀请知名艺术家、图书编辑、摄影家等共同参与评审。时间地点2023年5月,杭州良渚文化艺术中心。投稿方式1、投稿作品请寄至:浙江省杭州市西湖区转塘镇云梦路云栖小镇浙恒科技园4幢1楼,摄影手工书双年展组委会,电话0571-85100860。请在快递单和包装封面上写明:“摄影手工书双年展”。2、作者投稿时需下载《投稿报名表》并仔细填写,每件作品单独附一份表格,打印后与作品一并寄至组委会。《投稿报名表》在下方扫描二维码下载。3、本届活动采取推委推荐、自荐投稿两种方式。组委会邀请包括知名策展人、出版人、高校教师、研究者、批评家、艺术家、收藏家等成员组成推荐委员会(名单后附)。推委请在《投稿报名表》中填写推荐理由并把电子稿发送至组委会邮箱。4、组委会邮箱photobooks@vip.163.com,有关本次活动的相关事宜可通过邮箱咨询。杭州·国际摄影手工书双年展组委会2023年1月17日推荐委员会名单(按姓氏笔画排序)王庆松|艺术家王珠琳|影上书房馆长助理卢彦鹏|艺术家朱   炯   |北京电影学院摄影学院副教授朱岚清|艺术家任   悦   |中国人民大学新闻学院副教授,视听传播系副主任刘   阳   |中国美院电影学院摄影系讲师汤南南|中国美术学院跨媒体学院副教授、艺术家严志刚|摄影师,自媒体人李   鑫   |摄影自媒体“影艺家”主理人李弋迪|Place M 画廊中国主理人杨   健   |扬州大学新闻与传媒学院摄影专业主任、副教授、硕士生导师宋振熙|中国美术学院媒体城市研发中心策展部主任、当代艺术调查局(ABI)发起人张宏伟|策展人、西画廊&徕卡画廊总监、西安艺术书展创始人张树楠|摄影师、南开大学文学院教师范顺赞|摄影艺术家林   叶   |摄影研究学者、译者林   路   |上海师范大学影视传媒学院教授欧阳世忠|影像艺术家金酉鸣|骆伯年艺术基金会负责人、JINGPHOTO北京影像艺术博览会创始人胡沁迪|艺术家、梦厂DREAMER FTY联合创始人姜   纬   |摄影评论家、策展人、出版策划人顾   凯   |上海C14画廊主理人倪   梁   |无像Imageless创办人高   初|摄影史学者、策展人、中国美术学院中国摄影文献研究所研究员、主任海   杰   |策展人、影像批评家容思玉|策展人曹昆萍|南京艺术学院副教授、硕士生导师矫   健   |中国美术学院摄影系教授、艺术家梁   庆   |1000 PRESS 主理人、出版人傅为贫|雅昌文化集团摄影专项艺术顾问傅为新|丽水摄影博物馆馆长释   藤   |专栏作者、策展人曾   翰   |艺术家、策展人蔡   萌   |中央美术学院美术馆学术部副主任、策展人戴   菲   |上海师范大学副教授、硕士生导师

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/Wicq79dwEjZKGj6ehHR4t7GQuoURibSmHq7N8NSEtJYxBnndMnFa61HFEibrAglDjgK8j9vAuibKSVWH7CNyUibfAkA/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1扫描或长按二维码下载投稿报名表2023 First “Hangzhou·International Artisan Photobooks Biennal”Ralph Prins, a researcher in the history of photography, once described: "A photobook is a form of independence, like a sculpture, a play, a film. Here photographs lose their photographic character and become part of the whole......" More and more photographers are valuing photobooks as more than an exhibition presented on paper, they are seen as works to be treasured.As experimental and creative artisan photobooks, they offer new possibilities and broaden the boundaries of creativity. An interesting artisan photobooks, which not only embodies the concept of curation, but also reflects great imagination and creative inspiration in terms of formal language, concept expression, material application, and handmade presentation.The aim of the Hangzhou International Artisan Photobooks Biennal is to discover, support and nurture groups and individuals who use artisan photobooks as a means of creating works, to explore the role of artisan photobooks in expanding the boundaries of the image proper, and the various repercussions of cross-media combinations. We encourage the use of artisan photobooks to develop new discourses that convey positive and healthy social values and the openness of photographers in a new era.ORGANIZATIONAdvisor:Zhejiang Photographers AssociationHost:Hangzhou Photographers AssociationOrganizer:New Photography Organization Professional Committee, Hangzhou Photographers Association The Roof CultureCo-organizer:Hangzhou JP Printing Co.,LtdContractor:Loto Art 1908 Photobook Library Petra StudioChen Jianfei StudioPERIODFrom now until 25 April 2023Based on the date artwork was sentAWARD60 pieces of works to be selected for the First Biennale, all the selected works will be awarded honorary certificates. And 8 pieces of supporting works will be selected among them:1 piece, with a prize of RMB 10,0002 pieces, each receiving a prize of RMB 5,0005 pieces, each receiving a prize of RMB 1,000REGULATION1. The main content of the works submitted should be photography, and there is no restriction on the subject matter and style of the works.2. There is no requirement on the time of creation, nationality, age or region of the author, and there is no limit on the number of submissions.3. Works and behaviors that are harmful to public order and morals will be disqualified immediately upon discovery. The term "works and behaviors prejudicial to public order and morals" includes, but is not limited to, those that may seriously mislead public perceptions or are fraudulent in nature, and other situations that violate law, morality, public order or good customs.4. Works that do not comply with the provisions of this Contributions Wanted will not be selected; those that have been selected for exhibition will be disqualified; Organizing Committee has the right to withdraw the payment for the work, the certificate of honour, etc., and may be notified in the media.5. If the submitted works are damaged, lost or late or do not arrive in the process of sending, the relevant losses and consequences shall be borne by the submitter.6. The entrant shall guarantee that he/she is the author of the work submitted and has independent, complete, clear and undisputed copyright of the work as a whole and its components; the entrant shall also guarantee that the work submitted does not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, including copyright, portrait rights, reputation rights and privacy rights, etc., and shall be responsible for the consequences of any infringement disputes.7. No entry fee will be charged for this event. Organizing Committee reserves the right to use all works entered in the exhibition for purposes related to the exhibition by means of publicity, exhibition, information network dissemination, filming and compilation, without paying separate remuneration and without obtaining separate authorization from the author.8. For works not included in the exhibition, Organizing Committee will return them to the authors within one month after the announcement of the selection results, and for works included in the exhibition, they will be returned to the authors within one month after the end of the exhibition, with postage paid by the authors themselves.9. The exhibition will implement a system of public announcement of the selection results, the selected works will be publicized and accepted for social supervision during this period. After the public display period, Organizing Committee will announce the official selection list.10. The right to interpret the Contributions Wanted belongs to the Organizing Committee. Anyone who submits an entry shall be deemed to have agreed to all the provisions of this notice.SELECTIONExhibition adheres to the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness, Organizing Committee will invite renowned artists, book editors, photographers and others to participate in the evaluation.EXHIBITIONMay 2023Liangzhu Center of ArtsSUBMISISION1. Please Send artworks to:1F Building 4 Yunqi Town Yunmeng Road Zhuantang Town Xihu District Hangzhou City Zhejiang Province ChinaArtisan Photobooks Biennal Organizing CommitteeTel: (+86)0571-85100860Please write: "Artisan Photobooks Biennal" on the courier slip and package cover.2. When submitting your work, please download the "Submission Form" and fill it out carefully, attach a separate form for each work, print it out and send it to the Organizing Committee together with artwork. "Submission Form" can be downloaded by scanning the QR code below.3. This year's event will be held in two ways: recommended by recommendation member and self-nominated. Organizing Committee invites recommendation members including renowned curators, publishers, university teachers, researchers, critics, artists and collectors to form a recommendation committee (list attached). Recommendation member should fill in the reasons for their recommendations in the "Submission Form" and send electronic file to the E-mail of Organizing Committee.4. E-mail of Organizing Committee:photobooks@vip.163.comEnquiries about the event can be made via email.Hangzhou·InternationalArtisan Photobooks BiennalOrganizing Committee17 Jan 2023Recommendation Member ListAlphabetical order by surnameCai Meng Associate Director, Academic Department, CAFA Art Museum; CuratorCao Kunping Associate Professor & Master's Supervisor, Nanjing University of the ArtsDai FeiAssociate Professor & Master's Supervisor, Shanghai Normal UniversityFan ShunzanPhotographic ArtistFu WeipinSpecial Artistic Advisor for Photography, Artron Art GroupFu Weixin Curator, Photography Museum of Lishui ChinaGao Chu Historian of photography; Curator; Researcher & Director, China Photographic Documentation Institute, Central Academy of Fine ArtsGu KaiManager, C14 Gallery ShanghaiHai JieImage Critic & CuratorHolly RoussellCuratorHu Qindi   Artist; Co-founder, DREAMER FTYJiang WeiPhotography Critic; Curator; Publication PlannerJiao Jian Professor, Photography Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts; ArtistJin Youming Manager, Payne Y. Loh Art Foundation; Founder, JINGPHOTOLi Gedi Manger, Place M gallery ChinaLi XinManager, Foto Artist; PublisherLiang Qing Manager, 1000 PRESSLin Lu   Professor, Film-Television and Communication College of Shanghai Normal UniversityLin Ye Photographic Researcher; TranslatorLiu YangLecturer, Photography Department, Film College, China Academy of ArtLu YanpengArtistNi LiangFounder, ImagelessOuyang ShizongImage ArtistRen YueAssociate Director, Audiovisual Communication Department; Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of ChinaShi Teng   CuratorSong Zhenxi Director, Curatorial Department, Media City R&D Center, China Academy of Art; Initiators, Art Bureau if Investigation(ABI)Tang NannanAssociate Professor, School of Intermedia Art, CAA; ArtistWang QingsongArtistWang ZhulinAssistant Curator, YINGSHANG StudyYan Zhigang    Photographer; Self-PublisherYang Jian Director & Associate Professor & Master's Supervisor, Photography Department, School of Journalism and Communication of Yangzhou UniversityZen Han Artist; CuratorZhang Hongwei   Curator; Director, West Gallery&Leica Galleries; Founder, Xi’an Art Book FairZhang Shunan Photographer; Faculty, School of Literature, Nankai UniversityZhu Jiong   Associate Professor, Photography Department of Beijing Film AcademyZhu LanqingArtist
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